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Starting from week one of the Covid-19 lockdown period, two art buddies (from my course at City Lit) and I have set up a weekly Art Challenge. It has been a prime motivation for us all to produce our art work daily, and to examine each other’s work in a Zoom Art Crit every Saturday morning. 


The weekly challenges have varied from specific subjects (self-portrait, garden, landscape, work to illustrate a poem), to a medium for the week (charcoal, watercolour, pastel, oils) or, for example, painting in the style of Cezanne. Not only has each challenge focused us all on our individual work, it has been one of the better art courses we have each done, and we have all developed significantly in our own styles and mediums. 

After..., Oil on gesso board, 70x100cms


Oil on gesso board, H 70 x W 100cm

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